Laboratory Services

H. pylori Breath Test

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Updated Test Information:

Test Description
H. pylori Breath Test

UOW4746, HPBT, 13C Urea Breath Test; H. Pylori Urea Breath Test; Helicobacter Pylori Breath Test; Pylori, Helicobactor Breath Test; Ulcer Breath Test; Urea Breath Test; UBT, Breath test- H Pylori C13, Helicobacter Pylori- Breath by C13

Test ID
Performing Lab


General Information

Patient Preparation: If the patient has been treated for H. pylori infection, it must be at least 4 weeks since the treatment was stopped before administration of the breathID® Urea Breath Test. Patient must not take any antibiotics, proton pump inhibitors (Prilosec, Nexium, Protonix, Prevacid, Aciphex), or bismuth agents (e.g., Pepto-Bismol) within the past 2 weeks prior to administering the breathID® Urea Breath Test. Patient must be able to safely ingest phenylalanine and must fast at least one hour prior to test administration.

For more information, contact Laboratory Medicine Resident on call @ 206-598-6190

Container Type

Breath bag

Specimen Type


Specimen Requirements

breathID® Baseline and Post Ingestion Breath Bags

Specimen Collection / Processing Instructions

 Collect the baseline breath sample into the blue bag. Administer C13 urea drink, wait for 15 minutes, then collect the 15-minute post ingestion sample into the gray bag.



Breath bags are stable at room temperature for up to 14 days.

Department (code)

Chemistry, University (CHU)

Testing Schedule

Mondays and Thursdays

Test Includes

Code                   Name
HPBTR2           Helicobacter pylori Breath Test Result
HPBTIN            Helicobacter pylori Breath Test Interpretation

CPT Code(s)

83013, 83014

STAT Orderable (Y/N)


LOINC Code(s)
